Photo: Matthew Monarca

Photo: Matthew Monarca

Lead phytoremediation

Don’t be mis-lead: plants cannot effectively remove lead from soil. Why not?



Participatory research creating soil with youth and NYCHA community members

Framework Summary.png

Crop contamination

Crops uptake minimal lead. So what mechanisms are responsible for contaminating them? How can gardeners effectively limit this?

carbon sponge

What conditions optimize urban soil carbon and nitrogen cycling?

washing lettuce

How effective are washing techniques and best management practices at limiting crop lead (Pb) contamination?


Clean soil bank

Can 'waste stream' materials be used to construct new soils?


East New YOrk Healthy Soils Initiative

How can a clean soil distribution network operate?

nyc Compost Project Hosted by Earth Matter

USDA Conservation Innovation Grant:

Co-Creating Research with Community Composters